General Instructions

  • 20th to 38th Convocation of the University were held, as per the following details:-
  • Convocation Date Term-end Examinations covered
    20th to 32nd --- December-2007 to June-2018
    33rd 17.02.2020 December-2018, June-2019
    34th (virtual mode) 15.04.2021 December-2019, June-2020
    35th 26.04.2022 December 2020, June-2021
    36th 03.04.2023 December 2021, June-2022
    37th 20.02.2024 December 2022, June-2023
    38th 05.03.2025 December 2023, June-2024
  • The certificates of eligible students of Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma and Diploma Programmes have been forwarded to their Regional Centre/Regional Centre opted by the students for issuing to them.
  • The certificates of Post Graduate Certificate and Certificate Programme are available with the Headquarters.
  • However, the students who have not received the Degree/Diploma/ Certificate may know the Regional Centre/Headquarters where their Certificate was sent/available and apply online to receive the same, if not received, so far.
  • The certificates of the students who have already registered online for this purpose will be issued shortly by the Regional Centre/Headquarters, if not issued, so far.

Instructions for the Students:-

  1. The students who become eligible for award of Degree/Diploma/ Certificate in the 20th and 35th Convocation but have not received the Certificate/not registered, so far may apply/register for this purpose now.
  2. After successful registration, they can Log in and fill up the requisite details, if required and upload the necessary documents i.e. 1. IGNOU IDENTITY CARD and 2. GRADE CARD/PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATE in jpg/jpeg format having file size up to 100kb
  3. Eligible students are also required to pay the requisite fee Online for this purpose, as per the details below:
    • Rs. 200/- for PG Certificate/ Certificate programmes for the students who have completed their Certificate programme in the 34th to 38th Convocation.
    • No fee for PG Certificate/ Certificate programmes for the students who have completed their Certificate programme in the 20th to 33rd Convocation.
  4. The requisite fee can be paid online through the following modes:
    • Debit/ Credit Card (Master/Visa/Rupay) of any bank.
    • Net Banking
  5. Students can print the acknowledgement after successful payment of the requisite fee.
  6. For query, if any, about the Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma and Diploma Programmes Certificate, the concerned Regional Centre may be contacted where the Certificate was forwarded. The address and email id address of the concerned Regional Centre may be seen in the particulars of the student shown while filling the requisite details by the student.
  7. Click Here to print the acknowledgement. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, you may wait for 48 hours.
  8. For discrepancy, if any, in payment of the Convocation fee, contact at the following number and E-mail:-
  9. 011-29572209 /

  10. For query, if any, about the Post Graduate Certificate and Certificate Programmes only, the Headquarters may be contacted at the following number and email address:-
  11. 011-29572224 /

  12. For query, if any, about the Master Degree, Bachelor Degree, Post Graduate Diploma and Diploma Programmes, the concerned Regional Centre may be contacted. Phone number and email address of all the Regional Centres are available at the University’s website.
Declaration/ घोषणा

I have read all the instruction mentioned above and Certified that I have completed the prescribed course of study and passed all the examinations, and I have been awarded a provisional degree / diploma / certificate, as I have not received the same Original Degree till date so I want to apply to issue the original certificate.
मैंने ऊपर उल्लिखित सभी निर्देश पढ़ लिए हैं और प्रमाणित किया जाता है कि मैंने अध्ययन के निर्धारित पाठ्यक्रम को पूरा और सभी परीक्षाओ को उत्तीर्ण कर लिया हैं, तथा मुझे अस्थायी डिग्री / डिप्लोमा / प्रमाणपत्र प्रदान किया गया है लेकिन मुझे आज तक मूल प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त नहीं हुए है। इसलिए मैं मूल प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने हेतु आवेदन करना चाहता हूँ।